Getting Started

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The following steps serve as a general guide for those who are new to AutoCount Accounting:


1. Installation of AutoCount Accounting (Installing AutoCount Accounting)

2. Create your very first account book (First Time Start)

3. Quick tour on common functions of Transaction and Report

4. Company setting (Company Profile) and Fiscal Years Maintenance (Manage Fiscal Year)

5. Add users and assign access rights (User Maintenance)

6. Chart of Account - G/L Accounts, Debtors  and Creditors

7. Enter Opening Balance - Opening Balance of G/L Accounts, Opening Balance of Debtors/Creditors

8. Maintain stock item (Stock Item Maintenance)

9. Maintain Opening Stock Quantity and Value (Item Opening Balance Maintenance)

10. Monthly Closing Stock Value (Stock Value Maintenance)

11. Purchase related transaction

Request Quotation - to request/maintain quotation from supplier

Purchase Order - to place order

Cancel Purchase Order - to partially or fully cancel purchase order

Goods Received Note - to record receiving of goods delivered by supplier

Goods Return - to record goods returned to supplier before receiving the supplier invoice

Purchase Invoice - to record invoices received from supplier

Cash Purchase - to record cash purchase

Purchase Return - to record goods returned to supplier after receiving supplier invoice

12. Purchase related reports

Document Listing & Outstanding Report - listing of respective documents and outstanding status

Monthly Purchase Analysis Report - listing of suppliers and total amount of monthly purchase (for 12 months)

Purchase Analysis by Document Report - listing of suppliers and total purchase by document types

Supplier Price List Report - listing of creditors and price list.

13. Sales related transaction

Quotation - to issue price quotation

Sales Order - to issue sales order

Cancel Sales Order - to partially or fully cancel sales order

Delivery Order - to record the delivery of goods to customer

Delivery Return - record the goods returned before invoice is issued

Invoice - to issue sales invoice

Cash Sale - to issue cash sale

Credit Note - to issue credit note or record goods returned after issuance of invoice

Debit Note - to issue debit note after issuance of invoice

14. Sales related reports

Document Listing & Outstanding Report - listing of respective documents and outstanding status

Monthly Sales Analysis Report - listing of customers and total amount of monthly sales (for 12 months)

Sales Analysis by Document Report - listing of customers and total sales by document types

Profit & Loss of Document Report - showing profit margin of each documents and details

Top/Bottom Sales Ranking Report - showing top/bottom sales ranking by agent, item, debtor, area...

Customer Price List Report - listing of customers and price list.

Price History Report - showing price histories by item, debtor, creditor...

Sales Agent Contribution Report - showing contribution of sales agents

15. Stock/Inventory transaction

Stock Adjustment - make adjustment to stock quantity/value

Stock Issue - issuance of stock (non-sales)

Stock Receive - receiving of stock (non-purchase)

Stock Write-Off - recording of damaged, expired. obsolete stock.

Stock Transfer - moving of stock from one location to another

Stock Update Cost - to update the standard cost of stock

16. Stock/Inventory reports

Stock Card Report - to show transaction and balance of each stock item

Stock Balance Report - to show the balance and average cost of each stock item

Stock Balance By Location Report - to show the stock balance of each location

Stock Movement Report - summary of stock movement by transaction types

Stock Item Profit Margin Report - showing profit margin of each item

Stock Status Report - to show the available quantity

Reorder Advice Report - to show reorder advice according to stock level

Inventory Physical Worksheet - for stock take purpose

Stock Aging Report - to show stock aging by quantity

17. A/R Entries

AR Invoice Entry - to record credit sales

AR Receive Payment - to record payment received from debtors

AR Debit Note Entry - to debit into debtor account

AR Credit Note Entry - to credit into debtor account

AR Refund Entry - to knock off unapplied amount of Received Payment or Credit Note

AR & AP Contra Entry - to offset debtor account with creditor account

AR Deposit Entry - to record, forfeit or refund deposit.

18. A/R Reports

Outstanding AR Invoice Report - listing of invoices that are not fully settled

Outstanding AR Deposit Report - listing of deposits that are not fully transferred/forfeited/refunded.

Debtor Aging Report - aging report of debtors

Debtor Aging by Agent Report - aging report of debtors filtered by agents

Debtor Balance Report - debtors outstanding balance and details

Debtor Statement Report - debtors statement and payment details

Debtor Collection Report - debtors payment details

Debtor Collection by Agent Report - debtors payment details filtered by agents

AR Monthly Sales and Collection Analysis Report - debtors monthly sales and collection for 12 months.

AR Analysis by Document Report - debtors transaction analysis by document types

Overdue Letter Report - to produce overdue letters of debtors

Commission by Collection Report - to show agent's commission according to collection

AR Credit Note Analysis Report - analysis report according to CN types

AR Debit Note Analysis Report - analysis report according to DN Types

19. A/P Entries

AP Invoice Entry - to record credit purchase

AP Payment - to record payment made to creditors

AP Debit Note Entry - to Credit into creditor account

AP Credit Note Entry - to Debit into creditor account

AP Refund Entry - to knock off unapplied amount of Payment or Credit Note

AP Deposit Entry - to record, forfeit or refund deposit.

20. A/P Reports

Outstanding AP Invoice Report - listing of invoices that are not fully settled

Outstanding AP Deposit Report - listing of deposits that are not fully transferred/forfeited/refunded.

Creditor Aging Report - aging report of creditors

Creditor Aging by Agent Report - aging report of creditors filtered by agents

Creditor Balance Report - creditors outstanding balance and details

Creditor Statement Report - creditor statement and payment details

AP Monthly Purchase and Payment Analysis Report - creditors monthly purchase and payment for 12 months.

AP Analysis by Document Report - creditors transaction analysis by document types

AP Credit Note Analysis Report - analysis report according to CN types

AP Debit Note Analysis Report - analysis report according to DN Types

21. G/L Entries

Cash Book Entry - receipt voucher and payment voucher

Journal Entry - general journal entries

22. G/L Reports

Bank Reconciliation - reconciliation of bank statement and bank account

View Transaction Summary - monthly summary by journal types

Ledger Report - detail ledger accounts

Journal of Transaction Report - transaction listing by journal types

Bank Book Analysis - available balance of each payment method

Receipt & Payment Report - receipt and payment summary of each cash/bank account

Cheque Listing Report - listing of cheques by payment methods

Returned Cheque Listing Report - listing of returned cheques

Sales Agent Expenses Report - summary listing of agents and their expenses

Trial Balance Report - trial balance for all accounts

Profit & Loss Statement - profit and loss statement as at certain date

Balance Sheet Statement - balance sheet statement as at certain date

Account Detail Report - balances of group account and detail accounts

Cash Flow Statement - cash flow statement as at certain date

Transactional Profit & Loss Report - detailed profit and loss statement with all transactional activities.

23. Backup the database/account book (Backup)

24. Create New Account Book (Create Account Book)





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