Stock Status Report

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This is used to view/print stock status report.

Go to Stock > Stock Status Report






Basic Filter

Stock Item: choose either No filter, Filter by range or Filter by multi-select. (New: From version 1.5.012 onwards) For 'Filter by range' and 'Filter by multi-select', you may Press F3 to launch Item Search function.


More Options


Filter Options

Stock Group: choose either No filter, Filter by range or Filter by multi-select

Stock Item Type: choose either No filter, Filter by range or Filter by multi-select

Item Active Options: define whether to print only active items or include inactive items.


Report Options

Group by: choose one of the following options: None, Item Group, Item Type.

Show Criteria in Report: to show selected options in report


Inquiry: to refresh and show the result of filter options and report options.

Preview: to preview report to be printed

Print: to select printer and print report

Hide Options: to hide the Options portion so that the screen has more space for details. Click on Show Options to show it again.

Close: close the screen



Click on Preview






Stock Status:

Backorder Level: when stock available quantity is ≤ 0

Reorder Level: when stock available quantity is ≤ Reorder Level (Stock Item Maintenance)

Low Level: when stock available quantity is ≥ Min Qty and < Normal Level (Stock Item Maintenance)

Healthy Level: when stock available quantity is ≥ Normal Level and ≤ Max. Qty (Stock Item Maintenance)

High Level: when stock available quantity is > Max Qty (Stock Item Maintenance)



Balance quantity = On Hand quantity, or physical stock quantity.

Available quantity = On Hand quantity - Outstanding S/O quantity + Outstanding PO quantity + Stock Assembly Order quantity (finished goods) - Stock Assembly Order quantity (raw materials)

Available quantity after Consignment = Available quantity - Sales Consignment quantity + Purchase Consignment quantity






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