Ledger Report

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This is used to view transaction listing of each ledger. You may also drill in to the source documents.

Go to G/L > Ledger Report






Filter Options

Date Range: define the date range from and to.

Ledger Type: choose either All Ledger, Sales Ledger or Purchase Ledger.  




Account: choose either No Filter (all), Filter by Range (a range of continuous account no.) or Filter by Multi-Select (selected accounts)

Control Account: choose either No Filter (all), Filter by Range (a range of continuous account no.) or Filter by Multi-Select (selected accounts)

Show Transaction Description: to show the column of Desc. in Result portion

Show Ref.2: to show the column of Ref.2 in Result portion

Show Zero Balance: to include accounts with zero balance

Show Double Entry Account Description: to show the column of DE Acc. Desc. in Result portion

Add Profit/(Loss) to Retained Earning: to add into Retained Earning account a row to show the profit/(loss) of the date range


Report Options

Start new page for new account: to start each ledger account with a new page

Show Criteria in Report: to show filter options in report


Inquiry: to refresh and show the result of filter options and report options.

Preview: to preview report to be printed

Print: to select printer and print report

Hide Options: to hide the Options portion so that the screen has more space for details. Click on Show Options to show it again.

Close: close the screen



Click on Preview,

Select report no. 5

Click on OK.












Send feedback about this topic to AutoCount. peter@autocountSoft.com

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