Sales Order

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This is to create, edit or print sales order.

Sales Order has no effects on inventory movement and G/L entries.


To Create New Sales Order


Go to Sales > Sales Order

Click on Create A New Sales Order


You may key in the details of this new document OR copy/transfer from other document.

It is, however, advisable to use 'Transfer from other document' because it can be traced and the outstanding reports will be meaningful.

(Here I am going to transfer document from Quotation)












Debtor: will be displayed automatically (as per transferred document)

Branch: specify the branch of this debtor (if any)

To/Address: the info will be displayed according to selected debtor code.


Allow to Transfer: if this is unchecked, this document will not be allowed to transfer to other document.

Allow to Transfer By Value: this is to be used when this SO is to be transferred by value to Invoice (in which invoice is to be issued before DO); the steps are:

(1) in SO, check the checkbox of Allow to Transfer By Value, Save the SO..

(2) create new Invoice, click on Transfer Document > Transfer By Value From Sales Order, do the transfer, Save the Invoice.. (no stock will be deducted)

(3) create new DO, click on Transfer Document > Transfer From Sales Order, do the transfer; on this DO, the checkbox of Allow To Transfer will be unchecked automatically, Save the DO. (stock will be deducted)


SO No: <<new>> means to follow auto-running numbering (maintained at Document Numbering Format Maintenance), and the next possible number is displayed at the top bar of the window. You may click on it to key in any number you like.

Date: system/computer date is automatically captured, you may click to change.

Credit Terms: the default credit terms of this debtor will be displayed.

Sales Agent: assign a sales agent (if any). The default Sales Agent can be assigned in Debtor Maintenance.

Ship Via: assign the shipping method (maintained at Shipping Method Maintenance)

Shipping Info: key in the info of shipping or transportation.


Main tab: details of transaction

More Header tab: to provide additional information of the document, customer and delivery.

External Link tab: allows to maintain cross reference links in other formats, such as Excel, Word documents, Image files...

Note tab: here you may type in additional notes.


Functional Buttons:


common16  to add / insert a detail row. (Insert)

common17  to insert a detail row before the highlighted row. (Ctrl + Insert)

common18  to delete highlighted row. (Ctrl + Delete)

common19  to move the detail row up/down.  (Alt + Shift + Up/Down)

common20  undo (Ctrl + Z)

common21  to select all detail rows (Ctrl + Alt + A), so that it can be deleted or modified in one shot (using Range Set)

common22  range set (F12)... a range setting windows will be prompted. This is usually used to apply changes to several/all selected detail rows.

common23  to add a subtotal row, showing the subtotal amount.

common24  to add a discount row, and for you to define the group discount by define the percentage % or Value.

common25  to prompt the item search screen (F9). Type a keyword, select search criteria, click on Search. From the search result, check the check-boxes to select items to be included into the document, then click on OK.

common26  click on this button will display (at bottom section) instant information related to the highlighted item, such as Price History, Stock Balance ...



Item Code: click on '+' sign to add a new row and select an item; you may key in the first few number/letters of the item code/description and select from the lookup screen.

Description: this is called detail description... will capture the item description automatically (amendable)

Further Description: click to view/edit Further Description of this item. (the default content can be maintained at Stock Item Maintenance)

Delivery Date: assign the expected delivery date (if needed)

UOM: the default unit of measurement will be captured;

Qty: key in the quantity.

Unit Price: the selling price will be captured (either Standard Selling Price or according to the setting in Tools > Options > Invoicing > Auto Price)

Discount: this is called column discount; you may key in the discount for any particular detail row. The discount could be a value (e.g. 5, 5.5, 10... ), a percentage (e.g. 5%, 5.5%, 10%), or a multi-level discount (e.g. 5+5.5, 5+5%, 5%+5%, 10%+5, 5%+5%+10, .... )

SubTotal: this is the line total (net)

Total: this is bill total before footer discount and tax.

Net Total: this is bill total after footer discount and tax.


After save, proceed with new SO: when this is checked, a fresh screen will be ready for new document upon Save; if unchecked will exit the transaction screen upon Save.


(You may go to Edit menu to copy/paste the whole document or highlighted details to/from clipboard; you may also save the entries to K.I.V. folder.)

(You may go to Copy Sales Order menu to Copy From/To other/new document.)

(You may go to Transfer Document menu to transfer from other document, or view the transfer status)

(You may go to Tools menu to view profit calculator, or make use of Data Entry by Past Sales Record.)

(also refer to Common Function in Transaction Screen)



Click on Save & Preview,











Print Sales Order Listing













New: (from version onwards)
            Click on the shortcut label of Sales Order or go to Sales > Sales Order, click on Others menu...




Load Data Option: to specify the number of recent days when loading data instead of to load all data, so that the loading speed can be further improved. See 13508 Load Data Option for more details.





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