Commission By Collection Report

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This is to view sales agent's commission by collection report.  

In order to calculate commission, you need to maintain sales agent commission rate at Sales Agent Maintenance.






Filter Options

Date Range: define the date range from and to.

Debtor: choose either No filter, Filter by range or Filter by multi-select

Sales Agent: choose either No filter, Filter by range or Filter by multi-select

Area: choose either No filter, Filter by range or Filter by multi-select

Debtor Type: choose either No filter, Filter by range or Filter by multi-select


Report Options

Sort by: choose either sort by Document No. or Document Date.

Show Criteria in Report: to show selected options in report


Other Option

Use Due Date to calculate Age: to calculate 'age' based on due date instead of document date. If the collection was completed before due date, the  'age' will show a negative value, e.g. -5 (means 5 days before due date); on the contrary, age = 12 means 12 days after due date.


Inquiry: to refresh and show the result of filter options and report options.

Preview: to preview report to be printed

Print: to select printer and print report

Hide Options: to hide the Options portion so that the screen has more space for details. Click on Show Options to show it again.

Close: close the screen



Click on Preview










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