v13309 - v13312 DBv10915

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Version released on 30 October 2009.   DB version



[ACC-53] - Allows to export or print report for Confirm Change Screen of Global Price Change

[ACC-68] - Request to show unapplied CN in AR / AP Payment when Debtor/Creditor is selected

[ACC-79] - Request to add in GST in Journal Voucher & Journal Voucher Listing

[ACC-11] - Allows import into Journal Entry from Excel File





Version released on 23 October 2009.   DB version



[ACC-59] - Supports search by control account and branch in debtor/creditor

[ACC-60] - Added control account column in debtor/creditor grid

[ACC-61] - Supports drill down in knock-off grid at payment/refund/cn/contra





Version released on 16 October 2009.   DB version



[ACC-1] - Added an Item Description column to Item Price By Location Maintenance

[ACC-5] - Range Set in Consignment does not have Unit Price and Discount field.

[ACC-21] - Maximum of quantity decimal change to 8

[ACC-6] - Request to have a static method called ExportToPdf to export to PDF in BCE.AutoCount.Report.ReportTool





Version   DB version



New reports: Print Outstanding Request Quotation Listing; and Print Outstanding Request Quotation Detail Listing
Reallocate Purchase by Project logic:
- allows to select Reallocate Purchase by Project No to Invoice, Debit Note, Cash Sale, and Stock Issue when Reallocate Purchase by Project is checked...
- allows users to set the Project No as used by Reallocate Purchase by Project
- modified the Detail Description of the posted Journal Entry to contain the description of the item.
- modified the RefNo2 of the posted Journal Entry to contain the Invoice No or Debit Note No or Cash Sale No or Stock Issue No.
New inquiry function: Check Item Package Detail Inquiry: use may check the detail of an Item Package, to show the On Hand Quantity, and the minimum available quantity to construct the Item Package.





Send feedback about this topic to AutoCount. peter@autocountSoft.com

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