Sea Freight Item Maintenance

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Sea Freight Item Maintenance


This is for you to maintain the sea freight charges items. These items will be automatically displayed when creating a freight job.

Go to Advanced Freight > Sea Freight Item Maintenance,






Click on Freight02 or press the Insert button (on your keyboard) to add a new item.

Click on Freight03 to copy the highlighted item row for other customers.

Click on Freight04 to delete the highlighted charges item.

Click on Freight05 to move the highlighted item row up or down. You may also use the Sequence column to set the sequence of item rows. (To call out the Sequence column, right click on any column header, click on Column Chooser, click and drag 'Sequence' onto column header row.)



The Columns


Description: key in the description of the charges item.

Sales Acc No./Purchase Acc No: select the related GL account for posting purpose.

Customer: select the customer if you would like to set the default pricing for specific customers.

Auto Copy Weight: this is used in billing; if this checkbox is checked, the Actual Weight (that you have keyed in) will be automatically copied to the Quantity field in detail row.

Cost: key in the cost of the charges item.

Price: key in the default price of the charges item.


Note: Right click on any of the column headers for more settings.






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