Multi Dimensional Price Book

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This module is used to maintain multi dimensional price books.

Go to Tools > Program Control > Module Setting

Check the checkbox of Multi Dimensional Price Book to enable it.




Multi Dimensional Price Book - Add Pricing Rules


Go to Sales > Multi Dimensional Price Book






List of price rule's criteria:


select Date From... To...

select Item Type From... To...

select Item Group From... To...

select Item Code From... To...

select UOM

select Location From... To...

select Project No. From... To...

select Dept No. From... To...

select Sales Agent From... To...

select Price Category From... To...

select Debtor Type From... To...

select Area Code From... To...

select Debtor Code From... To...

select Currency Code

select Credit Term

key in >= Qty

key in Unit Price

key in Discount

check Active?


To create a rule, you may select more than one criteria and set the minimum quantity and/or unit price and/or discount (in value or in %).









Click on Option button:





This is to give weight level to each criteria. In case of rules overlapping one another, the one with larger weights applies.






Multi Dimensional Price Book - Price Book Matrix


Go to Sales > Multi Dimensional Price Book










Click on Save,

The following rules are created from Price Book matrix:









Pricing Policy


There are several places to maintain pricing of stock items:

(1) Sales > Multi Dimensional Price Book

(2) Stock > More Stock Maintenance > Item Price Book Maintenance (Price Book by Debtor/Creditor)

(3) Stock > More Stock Maintenance > Item Price Book Maintenance (Price Book by Price Category)

(4) Stock > Stock Item Maintenance (Standard Price)


During transaction, pricing rules maintained at Multi Dimensional Price Book will be captured; if there was no Multi Dimensional Price Book, the system will refer to the setting at Tools > Options > Invoicing > Auto Price.






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