Item Package

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This module is used to maintain item package and to ease the invoicing process of regular combination of items.  

Item Package is different from Item Assembly (Bill of Material) as Item Package is merely a combination of several items (which is not assembled) and it is not an 'Item' by itself. It carries no 'materials' but a list of items that will be sold as a package, usually used during seasonal or promotional periods.


Go to Tools > Program Control > Module Setting

Check the checkbox of Item Package to enable it.



Maintain Item Package


Go to Stock > Item Package Maintenance

Click on Create A New Item Package





Qty Limit: maximum units of this package that can be sold

Opening Quantity: opening quantity of this package unit

Current Year Purchased Qty: total package unit purchased in current fiscal year (auto calculated)

Current Year Sold Qty: total package unit sold in current fiscal year (auto calculated)

Expiry Date: to set the last selling day for this package

User UOM: the UOM for this package; this is not a stock item UOM and it will not appear in Stock Card Report..



Click on '+' sign to add items that are included under this package.

Click on Save.





Transaction - Purchase


Item Package is available in all types of Sales/Purchase documents.


Go to Purchase > Purchase Invoice

Click on Create A New Purchase Invoice






Assign a Creditor/Supplier,

Click on Item Package button,






Click on Search,

From Search Result, highlight to select a Package Code, then click on OK...






You may change the quantity of package and its sub total will be changed accordingly;

For example, I have changed the quantity to 5,


Click on the '+' sign in Item Code column to expand the package details;


While the package row is expanded,

You may change the item package details such as quantity and price, the Unit Price and sub total of the package will be changed accordingly;

You may click on the '+' or '-' sign from the tool bar, to add or remove items in package details;



Click on Save & Preview,







Transaction - Sales


Item Package is available in all types of Sales/Purchase documents.


Go to Sales > Invoice

Click on Create A New Invoice


Assign a Creditor/Supplier,

Click on Item Package button,


Click on Search,

From Search Result, highlight to select a Package Code, then click on OK...






Changed the package quantity to 3,


Click on Save & Preview,






Click on OK,








View Item Package Maintenance again


Go to Stock > Item Package Maintenance






Notice that Purchased/Sold/Balance Quantity is updated.

Highlight a Package Code, click on View






Noticed that the current year purchased and sold quantity is updated.





Item Package Transaction Inquiry


Go to Inquiry > Item Package Transaction Inquiry

Select Item Package Code,

transaction record will be displayed...








Check Item Package Detail Inquiry


Go to Inquiry > Check Item Package Detail Inquiry

Select Item Package Code,

click on Inquiry...












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