Contract Maintenance

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Go to Photocopier > Contract Maintenance,

Click on Create a New Contract ,






Contract No.: this document number is auto-run, the format depends on Contract Type. However, you may just type in any document as desired.

Contract Status:  ACT (active or already running),  KIV (Keep in view),  TRM (Terminate... will prompt for password), BLK (black list)

Contract Date: select the date of the contract.

Contract Effective Date: select the contract commence date.

Invoice Ref. No.: key in the invoice reference number if any

Contract Type: select a contract type, this will determine the Next Possible No. / running number (at the top of windows)

Contract TP:  determine whether this is a N New or Renewal contract.   (up there can copy contract when renew...)

Contract Period: the length of contract period in months

Advances Rental: advance rental in number of months

Prepaid Rental: prepaid rental in number of months

Contract Expiry Date: this date will be auto-filled based on Contract Effective Date and Contract Period

Auto Renewal: check this checkbox to set the auto renewal, the Renewal Contract Period (in number of year); the Times of Renewal will be auto-filled.

To view a list of auto-renewable contracts, go to Go to Photocopier > Contract Maintenance, and click on Auto Renewal Contract Listing




Copier Serial No. / Model: select a photocopier serial number, its model will be auto-filled.

Auto Calculate Copier Maintenance Cost: click on this to auto calculate the Maintenance Cost (refers to the cost of items in Customer/Copier Service Maintenance). When this is checked, the field of Copier Maintenance Cost will not be used.

Copier Maintenance Cost: key in the maintenance cost if you did not select Auto Calculate Copier Maintenance Cost.

Copier Fixed Cost: key in a fixed cost if any.

Rental Fee: key in the rental fee of the machine

Copier Installation Date: define the data when this copier is installed at customer place

Last Meter Reading Trans. No: this field will be auto-updated from Meter Reading Transaction

Installation Black Meter Reading: key in the meter reading upon installation (black ink)

Edit: click to edit installation meter reading, the password is maintained at Photocopier > Option > Edit Password (Edit Installation Meter Reading)

Last Black Ink Meter Reading: this field will be auto-updated from Meter Reading Transaction

Adjust Bill: (only functional when click on Edit, ... to adjust the value of Bill of ? at Meter Reading Transaction), the adjust value could be 1, 2... or -1, -2 ...

Installation Color Meter Reading: key in the meter reading upon installation (color ink)

Last Color Ink Meter Reading: this field will be auto-updated from Meter Reading Transaction

Last Billing Date: this field will be auto-updated

Last Meter Reading Date: this field will be auto-updated from Meter Reading Transaction

Customer Purchase Price: key in the price of purchase for customer.

Purchase Invoice No: key in the invoice number if this machine is purchased by the customer



Customer Details




Debtor Code/Name: Select the customer code. Debtor's name will be auto-filled.

Billing Address: this is captured from Debtor's file maintenance

Copier Location: key in the location address of the machine; or click on Set Identical to copy from Billing Address.

Copier: maintain additional information about the copier, e.g. Department, Person In Charge, Phone, Area Code, Sales Agent, Technician Code.



Billing Info (Billing)




Define the Billing Day, Other Charges if any and its description.



Billing Info (Black Ink Meter) / (Color Ink Meter)




Price Scheme/Description: select a price scheme; Description will be auto-filled.

Monthly Charges Information/Meter Price: according to the selected Price Scheme.

Change Price Scheme Base On No of Months: this is to change the current price scheme (Price Scheme I) to a new price scheme (Price Scheme II), and specify on which month you wish to start (Start Price Scheme II on Month:  ?  ). Then the Price Scheme II tab will be displayed and you may specify the Price Scheme for it.




Change Price Scheme Base On Total Inclusive Copies: this is to change the current price scheme (Price Scheme I) to a new price scheme (Price Scheme II), and specify the price change will take effect after certain number of accumulated copies (Start Price Scheme II after Total Inclusive Copies: ?  ). Then the Price Scheme II tab will be displayed and you may specify the Price Scheme for it.









Previous Contract No: select the previous contract number. This field will be auto-filled as the result of Create New Propose/Renew Contract.

New Propose Contract No:select the new propose contract number. This field will be auto-filled as the result of Create New Propose/Renew Contract.

Contract Returned Date: define the contract returned date if any.

Others: key in other info in text form.


Notes: to key in additional notes related to this contract.

External Links: click on '+' sign to add an external link of related documents, image files...etc



Copy Contract




Click on Copy Contract on the top left of the windows,


Copy From Other Contract: to copy the contents from another Contract.

Copy To New Contract: copy the contents of current contract to a New contract.

Create New Propose Contract/Renew Contract: to create a new proposal or renew contract from current contract.






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